This small and narrow park features a winding creek that flows through it and an impressive collection of Prunus and Pyrus fruit trees. It is also a very pretty park in terms of landscape. The park is divided by the cross streets in the Pirkkola area. The northern section of the park is natural forest, while the two other sections have lawns and a wide selection of cherry trees, plum trees, damson trees and pear trees, as well as more traditional park trees such as elms. In 1998, 210 fruit trees were planted altogether, but not all have survived the harsh winters. In springtime the lawns become fields of blue thanks to the 15,000 Scilla siberica flower bulbs that have been planted there.

In the northern section of the park is an old cellar in poor condition. It apparently once belonged to the neighbouring villa that was designed by Lars Sonck and that now houses the Steiner kindergarten Pikku Marjatta.
When entering the park from the Pirkkolantie road, a small playground and a giant willow greet visitors. In the local plan for Maunula, the playground is earmarked for development so that the creek could be utilised for children’s activities.