The ecological Viikkari Play Park was constructed on a former field between a residential area and Viikinoja Park. There is a play park building and supervised activities, but what makes Viikkari really special is that useful plants grow there, as well as osier (Salix viminalis) that can be used for basketry. Whereas in other parks children are often told not to touch the plants, here they can!

Fruit trees and berry bushes also grow in the park. Surface water runs down to the nearby Viikinoja brook. The wooden crocodile, lion, rhino and hippo in the park were made by the Public Works Department’s workshop.

The play park offers a wide range of activities that are planned and carried out as much as possible together with the people who use the park. Family activities are organised in the mornings, including a family café, baby get-togethers, play groups and family training. In the afternoons the park offers a safe and stimulating environment for school children to play in.

The play park’s regular activities include parental support and guidance, handicraft workshops, and sports and play events. Grilling days and soup clubs are also held, and older children can play board games and socialise with their friends.