The old Strömberg parking area has been transformed into a modern park that represents contemporary park design at its best. The somewhat secluded park is characterised by its pergolas made of blue steel and its rich variety of trees. The park connects to Strömberg Park to the south.
The park also has a playing field that is used by the local school and daycare centre. In wintertime it is used as a skating rink. To the east and north of the playing field there is a square paved with concrete and natural rock. The square and playing field are separated by a half-metre-high wall that also serves as a bench. The square features triangular shaped granite seating walls that are connected to small pergolas.

There are also benches that can be used in wintertime for changing skates. Various vines grow on the pergolas, creating an attractive flowery passageway through the park. Beside the pergolas is a flowerbed with perennials that flower from spring to autumn.
The triangular section of the park to the south of the playing field is lined by shrubs along the playing field and elm trees along the Valimomestarinpolku path. Numerous cherry trees augment the scenery. There is an open lawn in the middle of the park, and both coniferous and deciduous trees have been planted along the western edge of the park.