The number of visitors to Vuosaari hill will increase in the future. It is therefore important for every visitor to take into account the values of this unique nature area.
Well-behaved outdoor enthusiasts understand that they cannot trample on plants off the paths or take plants home with them.

Nature can be observed from the paths with binoculars to leave the animals in peace. Nature will thank you for using the dry toilet by the main entrance.
Cycling is not suitable for Vuosaari hill for a number of reasons. Many of the routes are narrow and rocky. Due to erosion, the ground slips easily, especially at steep points, and the paths are difficult to repair. Cycling is forbidden on the nature trails.
Snakes and lizards warm up on the roads and paths and could easily be run over by fast cyclists. There are few reptiles, too few to sacrifice for traffic.
Please enjoy the view and the peace of nature quietly.
Golden rules for a responsible hiker
- You can walk and run on marked paths, but cycling is not suitable for the area. You can lock up your bike in the bicycle rack by the main entrance.
- Please stay on the paths for your own safety. The terrain includes many rocks, rotten stumps and thorny roses.
- Walk carefully, since there are rocks and loose sand on the paths, and rain may make the ground slippery. There is no winter maintenance. The paths are not suitable for pushchairs.
- Please let plants and bushes grow wild and free for everyone’s pleasure!
- Leave the berries and fruit primarily to the birds and insects – children can sometimes have a taste. In several years, there have been enough raspberries to pick!
- Take your litter to the waste bins by the main entrance or take it home with you.
- Beware of steep slopes – the rocks and edges may collapse.
- The area is inhabited by adders and ground wasps. Watch your surroundings and be careful.
- Do a tick check at home at the latest!