Soil has not been assembled at Vuosaarenhuippu without plans; instead, the work has been guided by a strong image of a unique green area. The aim has been to create a diverse natural habitat enjoyed by both humans and animals.
It was intended to replace, for example, some of the natural areas left under Vuosaari Harbour. This brilliant idea occurred to the City of Helsinki’s natural gardener Jukka Toivonen in the 1990s, when the landscaping of Vuosaarenhuippu began. This vision of an open area was inspired by the vast juniper heaths of the Jurmo ridge island in the Archipelago Sea as well as the wide fell landscapes of Lapland.

The nature of the place was modified by selecting precisely which soil was used. Jukka Toivonen was assisted by soil expert Pirjo Laulumaa, who named the soil types transported to the site and directed them to suitable places. Different types of soil were used to create the conditions for diverse habitats. Coarse and sandy soil was particularly desirable because such water-penetrable soil creates low-growth meadows rich in species. However, the majority of the soil brought in was water-retaining clay and silt, which formed a lush vegetation.
The builders and carers of the area have shaped the landscape in the desired direction. As many different types of rock as possible have been brought in, all to be admired! Various biodiversity-enhancing elements have also been introduced, such as dead pines for birds of prey, heaps of rocks for nesting and hiding places, as well as tree stumps for insect hotels and wood-rotting organisms. The artificial pass and the pit that has developed into a grove are small, experiential destinations.
Soil brought to Vuosaarenhuippu has contained soil organisms, plant seeds and pieces of roots. This is why growth has begun soon after the spreading of topsoil. Many invasive alien species, including large-leaved lupine and Canada goldenrod, have also come to Vuosaarenhuippu as stowaways with the soil. These species have been tirelessly fought against by the greenery workers at Vuosaarenhuippu for years.
In the words of a visitor: This place is one big scam!